Breathe deeper lyrics
Breathe deeper lyrics

breathe deeper lyrics

* (meaning, get out there and explore both inner and outer.but keep me in your heart and visit often) * (meaning, it's alright to give a s-t.give yourself permission) * (meaning, right now you're alive.feel it by breathing in the air physically and mentally) Bob from Milwaukee, WiBreathe, breathe in the air.Seems control of his abuse took a great soul. Kimberly from Landing, NjBless Syd's soul for the end was his listening.regardless it is truly and amazing album. although I do agree this album probably was made just for a group or hippies to trip to, the psychedelic-ness to it makes it easy to assume it was meant for that. I've actually cried while being high listening to this album because the lyrics just related I me so much and made me think of how weird life is and sad moments and it was too much but also the instruments are so uplifting and powerful. it's a complete different experience while high. listen rig to the record while under the influence is mind blowing and amazing hearing instruments that seemed so faint before now echoing in yours ears. about comments of people saying they definitely want their kids encouraged to do drugs and listen, I hate to break it to ya but they probably have smoked at least weed and possibly even tripped before but that doesn't mean they've told you about it. while the acid and we'd does make the album sound mind blowing and beautiful I feel like I've enjoyed the music better while sober honestly. I myself have done acid a handful of times and smoked quite a bit of weed and while doing so I listened to this album fully. I know that at points they all smoked weed but to my knowledge only roger has openly said he's done acid. I know roger waters hs tampered with acid once or twice and has smoked some weed. Hannah from Irwin I must say as a 17 year old girl who didn't grow up in the 70's I feel as if I have more knowledge then some of you 60 year old fans.Hans Leiber from UkHas anybody picked up on the correlation between this song and the John Updike novel 'Rabbit, run'?.Trickysitch213 from CaI sync this song with 2001: a space odyssey more than I do with wizard of oz.try listening to this in hi res instead of mp3.

Breathe deeper lyrics